Klein K10A
Klein K10A
Currently shipping 2-4 weeks after receipt of order.
The Klein Instruments K10-A is a fast measuring high-quality colorimeter that is compatible with FSI's Autocal, LightIllusion's LightSpace CMS, LightIllusion's ColourSpace, and SpectraCal's CalMAN Studio. You can use the K10-A in combination with these software solutions to quickly profile and create custom calibration 3D LUTs for all CFE, CFE2, and CFE3 equipped FSI monitors.
The Klein K10-A comes standard with a handful of selectable display type offsets, but when you purchase from FSI we also program in additional model specific spectroradiometer determined offsets for the white LED backlight LCD, RGB LED LCD, CCFL backlight LCD, and OLED monitors in our lineup allowing for even greater measurement accuracy when used in combination with FSI monitors.